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Everything Bagels 2

Everything Bagels

Everything Bagel Topping 2 teaspoons poppy seeds 2 teaspoons sesame seeds 2 teaspoons dried garlic flakes 2 teaspoons dried onion flakes 1 teaspoon kosher salt Bagel Recipe 2 teaspoons of active dry yeast 1...

sourdough 0

Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Starter 1 cup skim milk 3 tablespoons plain yogurt 1 cup bread flour Heat the milk to 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Stir in the yogurt and place in a non-reactive container (glass quart jar...

Vanilla Bean Cake 3

Vanilla Bean Cake

I did some baking tonight. The completed cake ended up delicious but was outrageously messy to decorate. Apparently there is such a thing as too much filling where cake is concerned. I was however...

iTunes Won’t Close on Windows 7 3

iTunes Won’t Close on Windows 7

This one was an easy fix though took me a bit to track down. Start -> Run -> services.msc and disable the Bonjour Service. Either through a bug in the music sharing component of...